We have compiled a list of the
most frequently asked questions.
If your question hasn’t been answered below, please get in touch with the team at onelansdowne@londoncommunications.co.uk.
1. What is the existing planning permission for?
There is existing planning permission from 2017 for two 68 and 41 storey towers, joined by an 11-storey podium building that included new homes and a large amount of office space which has not been built.
2. How tall will the buildings be? Why have you chosen to reduce the height from the existing planning consent?
By reducing the height from the consent 68 and 41 storeys, and removing the 11-storey link between the buildings, we feel that we can create a design that sits more sensitively within its setting and better complements other planned development locally.
3. Are you providing any parking?
This will be a car-free development, with parking provided for blue badge holders only.
The site is extremely well connected to public transport and within easy walking distance from train, bus and tram stations. Our proposals will be designed to encourage people to adopt sustainable modes of transport by:
- Providing 1,365 cycle parking spaces for both residents and visitors.
- Contributing towards a new street level crossing across Wellesley Road.
- Improving the pedestrian experience around the site, making this important connection to the station feel safer with lighting, greening and an active ground floor.
As part of our management strategy, we will also make all residents and employees aware that there is no parking available and that they will not be eligible to apply for local parking permits.
4. What will you be doing to mitigate impact on traffic during construction?
5. When would you start delivering this and how long would it take to complete?
6. What security measures will you be putting in place?
We know that safety and security is a concern locally and we want to make this part of Lansdowne Road a safer, more welcoming environment. In developing our designs, we have been working with the local police to understand how we can help make the area feel safer. This includes designing out dark corners and dead ends, improving lighting and visibility and high-quality landscaping at street level to create a cleaner and greener route for pedestrians.
7. Why are you proposing a reduction in office space to the existing planning consent?
Since planning permission was granted in 2017 the office market has gone through significant changes, with covid-19 in particular resulting in a shift in the way people work, and a rise in home working. The office market is continuing to evolve and respond to these changes, with businesses now demanding high-quality and flexible space.
There is already a large pipeline of office and commercial development planned for the area, including at nearby Ruskin Square, which has soaked up a lot of the existing demand for large office space. We want to ensure that what we deliver here meets the needs of the borough and that we are delivering the type and amount of office space the area needs. Our plans keep up to 15,000 sqft of office space, prioritising quality over quantity.
8. What sort of businesses are you looking to attract here?
The new office space will be modern, high quality and flexible, designed with Croydon’s budding businesses in mind. We expect that this will include individuals, freelancers, creatives, and small companies just starting out.
9. How can I share my feedback on the proposals?
There are a number of ways you can feedback on the plans at any time, including:
- Emailing onelansdowne@londoncommunications.co.uk
- Completing the online feedback form here
- Calling our Freephone line 0800 307 7401